How to kill bats with poison and fumigants

If you want to try to remove the bats yourself, read my Do It Yourself guide.
If you want to hire a professional to help you, go to my Hire a Pro page.
If you do hire a company, you can read my How Much Does Bat Removal Cost? page.

How to kill bats with poison and fumigants - Bats are good animals. They can eat around a thousand insects every hour, and these insects include mosquitoes, house flies, wasps, bees and much more. What does this mean for the average household? Killing bats means that you will have less animals keeping the insects in check, therefore allowing your household and your neighborhood to be overrun with the creatures you hate the most.

Bats have a pretty bad reputation over the years, especially with the many vampire and horror movies, books and ideas that spread through the media like wild fire. The truth is that they are fragile animals that mean absolutely no harm to humans, and if left to their own devices, will actually do more good than harm.

How to kill bats with poison and fumigants - Bats are good animals. They can eat around a thousand insects every hour, and these insects include mosquitoes, house flies, wasps, bees and much more. What does this mean for the average household? Killing bats means that you will have less animals keeping the insects in check, therefore allowing your household and your neighborhood to be overrun with the creatures you hate the most.

Bats have a pretty bad reputation over the years, especially with the many vampire and horror movies, books and ideas that spread through the media like wild fire. The truth is that they are fragile animals that mean absolutely no harm to humans, and if left to their own devices, will actually do more good than harm.

Despite the fragile nature of these animals, and the fact that, in many states, they are protected animals and environmental laws and regulations ensure that the culling of these creatures is illegal, many home owners still turn to using dangerous methods such as poisons and fumigants in order to evict them from their homes. This is a bad idea, and for many more reasons than you first may have thought.

Firstly, the poison may not be effective to actually kill the bat, so all you could be doing is seriously injuring the animal.

Secondly, when the animal does die, it could do so somewhere in your home, leaving you with a very serious investigation to find the corpse on your hands. The dead creature will start to decompose and stink out your home, and may also attract rodents such as rats.

Thirdly, many of the poisons and fumigants that you will find on the internet will actually be dangerous to humans and other animals as well. Would you want to poison your cat, dog or child? No, we didn’t think so.

The other thing about bats is that they are not stupid animals. This brings us nicely to our fourth point – they are not going to be easily tempted by any bait that you may put down. It’s going to be mighty hard to catch a mosquito and add the poison to it!

Our fifth point – are you really going to want to kill an entire colony of bats? If you have bats within your home, there is going to be a good chance that you are going to have more than one. Do you want this on your conscience? Also, are you going to have the information necessary to know how much poison or fumigant, and which ones to use, to cull an entire colony of bats without seriously damaging the effect of other animals as well as humans that live in your home?

There are actually no registered bat poisons or fumigants to kill bats in buildings. This means that not only will it be illegal to use other poisons that you may have been directed towards on the internet, in some cases resulting in fines and even jail time, but you will be playing with fire when it comes to figuring out which ones to use. Many of the poisons that humans tend to use are registered rat poisons such as chlorophacinone, and even antifreeze. These things may be harmful to the bats, but without knowing how much you should use, you are going to be doing yourself some damage as well.

In conclusion, there are no poisons and fumigants that have been actually shown to work on bats, and even if you should find an internet story of someone that has managed to make the poison work, are you going to risk going to jail for the sake of saving a few pennies and avoiding the professionals that could have been employed to do this job safely and properly?

Do You Need Help?
I wrote this website to provide information on How Do You Get Rid of Bats in Buildings in the case that you have a bat problem and need to make an informed decision about what to do. If you have any questions you may email me, but I do know from experience that bat removal is not simple. If you need professional help solving your wildlife conflict, I recommend that you talk to a professional bat control expert in your town by clicking on my National Wildlife Control directory, which lists experts who I recommend in every USA city and town who can help you with your bat issue.

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